Many have experienced the loss of a loved one. Praying for the souls in purgatory can help them, and also provide you with great comfort and hope that they will be spending their eternal life with God. Here are some original heartfelt Catholic prayers for souls in purgatory.
Prayer to Release Souls
Mother of our Savior, at the cross, He gave you to all of mankind, as our Mother. Regardless of how often we fail and offend your Son, you, Virgin most faithful, are still our Mother. For those who are now suffering as Holy Souls in Purgatory, please have pity of them, and show us how we may aid in alleviating their pain and suffering and hasten their release into the Merciful Presence of God. Thank you, Most Holy Mother, our Mother, for hearing our prayers and aiding your children in need. We love you. Amen.
Prayer to Take on Their Suffering
Dearest Mother, teach us to be ever mindful of the suffering souls around us, both those here on earth and those who have not yet attained the purity to be admitted into God’s Holy presence. Help us, oh refuge of sinners, to see the truth that although we, the living, are able to mitigate punishments due to our sinful offenses, while those souls in Purgatory can not aid themselves in any manner. Show us how we may pray and take on suffering for them to hasten their entry into heaven, to praise God with all the Saints, forever. Amen.
Prayer to Know God’s Mercy
Saint Sister Faustina, who through your obedience to the revelation of Divine Mercy given to you by the Lord Jesus Himself, we implore that you inspire in us a deeper, more sincere mercy towards each other — no matter the sin or the graveness of the offenses committed against us. Please make real to us, St. Faustina, the unfathomable mercy that our Lord, our God, has for us, regardless of our transgression against Him. Lastly, oh instrument of mercy, let the sincere mercy that we show others be the instrument to bring them closer to our Lord. Amen.
Prayer for God’s Children
Most Holy Mother, share with us the infinite mercy, that is in your Immaculate Heart, for your children to be delivered from their tormenting pain and suffering in Purgatory. Grant us the grace to be mindful of the great suffering of these poor souls and ever inspire us to pray – to pray always—to hasten their complete and final purification so that they may be worthy to enter the divine presence of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.
Prayer for Hastened Admittance
Dearest Lord, you have taught us so many times through the Gospels to love our neighbor through almsgiving, doing good for our neighbors, and pardoning the offenses committed against us. Please, Lord, apply these and all of our works of mercy for the benefits of the poor holy souls in Purgatory in relieving their sufferings and hastening their admittance into your perfect radiant light. Thank you, Lord, for hearing and granting our prayer. St. Francis de Sales, let the mercies of Christ for the souls in Purgatory shine through us today. Amen.
Prayer with the Holy Rosary
Most Holy Mother and Queen of the Rosary, as we pray your most Holy Rosary now, please use the merits from our prayers to aid the holy souls in Purgatory, your children, to their eternal home, in heaven, to praise the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit with you and all the saints forever and ever. Thank you, Mother, for loving us now and forever. Amen.
Prayer to Be Remembered in Heaven
Mother of Mercy, please help us through our daily trials and sufferings to never forget the enormous pain and suffering of the holy souls in Purgatory. Help us to see beyond our own selfish needs and to offer up all of our discomforts to you, our dearest Mother, to relieve the suffering of these poor souls. Let us be confident that in offering our sufferings to relieve their sufferings, that upon their admittance into heaven that they will always remember to pray and intercede to God to help us in our trials here on earth. This we ask, Mother, in the name of your Son, Jesus. Amen.
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Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.